Transfera.cz was established on 11 November 2014 as a result of the transformation of the “Association of Knowledge Transfer Organizations and Professionals” (AKTOP), of which it is a direct successor.
AKTOP operated since 2008 as a voluntary civil society organization and an institution the aim of which was to seek, protect and commercialize new research results, transfer knowledge and use new findings for innovative entrepreneurship. The foundation of AKTOP was a result of long-term efforts of Ing. Ivan Dobiáš, DrSc., FEng to establish an organization connecting top Czech universities, companies, associations and individuals with an interest in improving the competitiveness of both national and European economy and utilizing the innovation potential of new research results.
Mr. Dobiáš became the first chairman of AKTOP; he performed his duties excellently and remained in office until his premature death in 2010. Other members of the first board were prof. RNDr. Ing. Jan Vrbka, DrSc., dr.h.c., FEng, RNDr. Ivan Dvořák CSc PGCertKT(Open), Assoc. Prof. Ing. Jan Horejc, Ph.D. and Assoc. Prof. dr. Ing. Vladimír Kebo. Ing. Petr Holec, CSc. was elected the first chancellor.
The foundation laid down by Mr. Dobiáš and his colleagues has been built upon by many other activities and the current work of Transfera.cz represent a continuation thereof.